Tragic the driver of the other vehicle died, but so very lucky they weren’t loaded with a patient or had a third rider in the patient compartment. Could have very easily been multiple fatalities or serious injuries if there were occupants in the back.
Tragic the driver of the other vehicle died, but so very lucky they weren’t loaded with a patient or had a third rider in the patient compartment. Could have very easily been multiple fatalities or serious injuries if there were occupants in the back.
According to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!
According to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Ambulance and car crash, killing one and leaving more hospitalized, SC cops sayAccording to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Ambulance and car crash, killing one and leaving more hospitalized, SC cops sayAccording to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Ambulance and car crash, killing one and leaving more hospitalized, SC cops sayAccording to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Ambulance and car crash, killing one and leaving more hospitalized, SC cops sayAccording to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bott
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om of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Ambulance and car crash, killing one and leaving more hospitalized, SC cops sayAccording to local sources (I live here) the charger was going 130mph. The guy’s tibia punctured through the bottom of his foot, his femur coming out and nearly puncturing into his torso. Arms were jelly, torso and chest were also jelly. Dead on impact. So yeah, I can see something going that fast doing this!Tragic the driver of the other vehicle died, but so very lucky they weren’t loaded with a patient or had a third rider in the patient compartment. Could have very easily been multiple fatalities or serious injuries if there were occupants in the back.