July 3, 2024

SAD NEWS: motorcycle Fans in Tears as their coach tal…

An alarm was raised when a Russian nuclear submarine with cruise missile capability was detected near the west coast of Scotland.

Following the detection of the Yasen-class submarine Kazan, a classified briefing was provided to Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The movements of the 13,800-ton sub were followed by an RAF surveillance plane all the way to Scotland via the Irish coast. The Russian ship did not enter British waters as it passed past the nuclear naval station of Britain at Faslane, on Gare Loch, and immediate reports were sent back to the Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, London.

On June 5, an RAF Poseidon P8 anti-submarine aircraft picked up the Kazan, and it landed in Cuba precisely one week later.

Since tensions over the war in Ukraine are rising, the operation was largely perceived as a Russian show of power.

According to reports, military leaders were worried the sub would be searching for weak points in the waters around the United Kingdom.

The British Isles’ Achilles’ heel, according to retired Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Crawford, who is currently employed as a defense and security consultant, is Ireland. The Kremlin is aware that they have almost little military capacity to keep an eye on or thwart such Russian incursions.

“We regularly monitor UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas to deter malign activity and to protect our interests,” a Royal Navy spokeswoman stated last night.

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