Safety for students, faculty and staff is the top concern on decisions to close campus. The primary factor will be road conditions, which is based on information from UCCS Police and the City of Colorado Springs. Other factors include future weather predictions by the National Weather Service and local school district decisions.
Campus facilities conditions is also a factor, but facilities services crews work to clear parking lots, campus roads, sidewalks and stairways to keep snow from accumulating. Crews report as needed throughout the day and night to keep up with snowfall.
Weather conditions and forecasts can change significantly within a matter of hours because of slight variations in storm track and intensity. UCCS looks at a variety of forecasting models to make the decision, but those weather changes may mean the storm is stronger or weaker from when the initial decision is made.
When a decision is made
UCCS officials will start to monitor incoming storms as they are forecasted, begin to evaluate potential impacts 24-48 hours in advance and continue to make adjustments with each new weather model.
Representatives from multiple areas of campus will often meet the night before to evaluate any potential closures. Facilities and UCCS Police will meet on current conditions, and consult National Weather Service data for future conditions, starting at approximately 4 a.m. Information about a delayed start or full day closure is typically announced by 6 a.m. on the impacted day. UCCS will typically not announce a closure or delay the night before, but it will if there is consensus on forecasts and road conditions. This allows university and city crews an opportunity to clear roads, parking lots and sidewalks during the night.
For an early closure, information will be communicated as quickly as possible, with the goal of at least a two hour advance notice, but if conditions deteriorate faster, campus may close on an accelerated timeline. Employees and students are encouraged to leave campus before the announced closure time if possible. Campus shuttle systems will end within 30 minutes of the announced closure time. Drivers who rely on the shuttles to reach their vehicles are encouraged to leave campus as quickly as they can when an early closure is announced.