To say that if people didn’t flood Pigeon Forge during the Rod Run wouldn’t have an effect the economy of Pigeon Forge is hard to believe.

My family has been going there for over 50 years as much as twice each year. The hotels and motels make you pay for 3 days at higher prices when the events are on and even Mc Donald’s raise their prices to gouge your pockets. Millions of dollars would be lot without the car events.

This will accomplish nothing. Businesses have signs and security guards keeping cars from parking in their spots. Most of the storefront spaces are always empty. They should be focused on actual problems like the kids that come out at night in there trucks.

We are here and unfortunately are here during Jeep Invasion….every day we have seen kids and adults throwing ducks into jeeps on the parkway…they aren’t staying on the sidewalk…we’ve been here during all different times of the year but the traffic now is worse than Easter Week or any of the Rod Runs.

Scratch my 50000 truck my lawyer will be contacted ,this is bull and I know pigeon forge officials know these rod runs are very beneficial to their town just drove thru pigeon forge Saturday looked like a ghost town ,and the laconte car. Makes a lot of money from people along the parkway that wouldn’t go over there,run the parkway off would be suicide in the long run. Just imagine riding down Marlboro Ave. IN Detroit Michigan not a very nice site! I know it’s a little irritating to the hometown people a couple of times a year but it makes pigeon forge what it is ! Officials please take it easy on us and not run us off , I by myself spend around 3 thousand the week of the run and that’s if I don’t buy parts at the laconte car. Officials please keep us coming back !!!!

Will a simple business card in the windsheild with a phone number work? lol People will find away around this..just imagine if you do something like the jeep ducks. Putting a little toy marking that this car is for sale w/ a contact number on the bottom might be the play.

What a total waste of resources which will most likely be overwhelming for anyone to enforce, not to mention any actual disruptive activities that law enforcement will need to be addressing. It seems to be an unnecessary government overreach for a “problem” that doesn’t exist. Almost everyone in Pigeon Forge on Rod Run weekends are there for the Rod Run associated activities and will in turn eat, sleep, and enjoy the additional entertainment options the Pigeon Forge has to offer. So yes it does have a significant impact on the economy as recognized by elevating lodging cost with mandatory minimum durations typical across the board. It’s a BIG deal weekend. If you are a local, you are not caught off guard by this event and if you are not into cars, you’ll probably just avoid the strip on Rod Run weekends. I would think if you are a server, you would have the potential to bring home a much larger paycheck than normal if so inclined with the restaurants being super busy almost all weekend. Me and my family typically will always spend a day at the show and a day on the strip checking out all the rides so not having the enjoyment walking the strip would be disappointing. It only takes a few bad apples to ruin a good time and the squatted truck crowd who are generally not there for the car show tend to show up in full force as day turns into night with them attempting to turn the event into their own personal version of Mardi Gras which is the true problem. The new take on Rod Run is probably going to make for a lot of unnecessary chaos and negative interactions with law enforcement.


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