Sad News: Tiger Woods Fans In Tears As Top Key Player Announces Departure Due To…… Read more

is without dispute one of the most well-known and accomplished athletes in history. His talent has won him fame on and off the golf course, and a current net worth of over $1 billion. Looking at his career over the past 30 years shows how his wealth has grown exponentially, and will likely continue to do so long after

he retires throug endorsements. If you’re a business owner, maybe you’ll consider sponsoring a young athlete who could be the next Tiger Woods.

It’s very little exaggeration to say that Tiger Woods has been playing golf all his life. He started playing at 2 years old and became so good by 7 that he regularly appeared on t.v. shows. He won the Junior World Championship 6 times. He was heavily recruited by colleges and ultimately attended Stanford, where he was voted out of all athletes on campus as Freshman of the Year. Having won the 1995 Masters as an amateur, he left college after two years and turned professional in 1996. By the end of that year, he had already earned nearly $800,000.

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