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There is a detailed site designed to look like Osteen’s official site that shows the popular pastor claiming a “lack of faith” in images of fake articles that look nearly identical to coverage on CNN, Yahoo, Drudge Report and the Christian News Network.

There was briefly even a fake Twitter account (note the misspelling of the name): By late Monday, the account had been disabled. Osteen’s real Twitter account is @JoelOsteen.

On the bogus Osteen site, there is a statement posted that says, in part, “I believe now that the Bible is a fallible, flawed, highly inconsistent history book that has been altered hundreds of times. There is zero evidence the Bible is the holy word of God.”

The official Osteen website shows no response to the hoax, and no indication of any change in Osteen’s ministry. The most recent article talks about the wildly successful series “The Bible,” airing on History Channel, for which Osteen served as a consultant.

Osteen’s most recent Tweet, posted early Monday, reads: “Desire the praise of God more than the praise of people. You have an assignment, a purpose, a destiny.”

The official Osteen website shows no response to the hoax, and no indication of any change in Osteen’s ministry. The most recent article talks about the wildly successful series “The Bible,” airing on History Channel, for which Osteen served as a consultant.

Osteen’s most recent Tweet, posted early Monday, reads: “Desire the praise of God more than the praise of people. You have an assignment, a purpose, a destiny.

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