Advertising cars on the side of the parkway in Pigeon Forge-at this year’s Rod Run has been…

Advertising cars on the side of the parkway in Pigeon Forge-at this year’s Rod Run has been…

Car sales on side of the parkway will soon be banned in Pigeon Forge
Advertising is allowed at this year’s Rod Run, but in the future, it won’t be, Pigeon Forge leaders said.
Author: Vinay Simlot

PIGEON FORGE, Tenn. — Advertising cars on the side of the parkway in Pigeon Forge will soon end, according to Pigeon Forge Assistant City Manager Eric Brackins.

Visitors often advertise cars on the side of the road during car shows like Rod Run. During this spring’s Rod Run, beginning Thursday, enthusiasts will be allowed to advertise their cars. In the fall, though, that could change, Brackins said.

An agreement between Pigeon Forge and the Tennessee Department of Transportation mandates that change.

TDOT owns the parkway and the associated “right of way,” which includes the first row of parking lots in front of businesses along the parkway. The state agency leases those parking spots to the town of Pigeon Forge, which in turn sub-leases those to local businesses.

The lease between TDOT and Pigeon Forge, signed in 2016, said vehicles parked in those spots can’t have any advertising of any kind.

However, the subleases, between TDOT and the local businesses said cars parked in the right of way couldn’t have advertising for more than 72 hours.

This year, TDOT asked Pigeon Forge to adjust their subleases to bring them into compliance with the lease.

“The city has submitted a revised sublease agreement that TDOT has approved,” said TDOT communications officer Mark Nagi. “They are now able to have all business owners along the corridor enter into a sublease agreement with the new terms.”

Brackins said Pigeon Forge will now have to bring the new subleases to local businesses, have them sign the subleases and pass an ordinance before the police can enforce the change.

The organizers of Rod Run said the change wouldn’t affect the actual car show because it is at the LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge and not along the parkway.


Brackins said Pigeon Forge will now have to bring the new subleases to local businesses, have them sign the subleases and pass an ordinance before the police can enforce the change.

The organizers of Rod Run said the change wouldn’t affect the actual car show because it is at the LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge and not along the parkway.

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