July 4, 2024

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The San Francisco 49ers are in the dead period of the offseason, as players still have a month off before training camp begins in late July.

However, there are still potential avenues to upgrade the team, as the free agent market still has a number of quality veterans looking to find their next home ahead of the upcoming season.

One of those players is former Miami Dolphins center Connor Williams, who suffered a torn ACL last season, placing his availability for the beginning of the season into question.

Williams, a second-round pick back in the 2018 NFL Draft, had a tumultuous start to his career with the Dallas Cowboys, where he predominantly played at guard.

Upon signing with the Dolphins, Williams moved over to center where he’s seen much better success over the past two seasons, developing into one of the better players at the position.

Now, entering his age-27 season, Williams is a free agent looking for his next opportunity in the NFL as he recovers from the torn ACL injury.

Could the 49ers look into adding Williams ahead of training camp?

Williams’s recovery
When it comes to an injury as serious as a torn ACL, the recovery period is always important for a free agent, which is why it isn’t shocking that Williams hasn’t been signed yet.

Given that he tore his ACL during Week 14 of last season, it was initially expected that the center would miss some time during the year, but that may not be the case according to his agent Drew Rosenhaus.

“Connor has had a remarkable recovery, nothing short of miraculous, really looking good for the start of the season,” Rosenhaus said, via the Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson.

“There are a lot of teams interested in him. I’m just delighted for Connor. I did not anticipate hm going to training camp with a team and felt like it might be something during the season before he played. But he’s done an awesome job. We are going to see Connor Williams in someone’s training camp.”

This comes after ESPN’s Adam Schefter shared that Williams is expected to be ready for the regular season and is looking to sign before training camp, with several suitors interested in the center.

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