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According to two US sources who spoke to Reuters yesterday, the US military’s intermittent floating pier in Gaza is anticipated to start up again today in order to discharge much needed humanitarian aid for Palestinians. — Photo by Maxar Technologies/Reuters
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Thursday June 20, 2024, at 10:15 a.m. MYT
June 20, Washington, D.C. According to two US sources who spoke to Reuters yesterday, the US military’s intermittent floating pier in Gaza is anticipated to start up again today in order to discharge much needed humanitarian aid for Palestinians.

Speaking under oath, the officials stated that the pier was temporarily removed last Friday owing to unfavorable sea conditions and reattached to the shore on Wednesday.

Help started

Following the Republican governor Jeff Landry’s signing of a bill on Wednesday requiring the Ten Commandments to be exhibited in classrooms, four civil rights organizations have decided to challenge the state of Louisiana. Any college or university that takes funding from the state is subject to the new regulation.

A lawsuit to stop the implementation of House Bill 71 is planned, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, its Louisiana chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation. The Ten Commandments must be posted in every classroom, according to a bill sponsored by Haughton representative Dodie Horton, a Republican. The dimensions of the poster or framed document must be a minimum of 11 inches by 14 inches.

Speaking over the weekend at a Republican Party fundraiser in Tennessee,

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