July 2, 2024

Sad News : The ganeral manenger announced that caintlin clark are suspended for all matches due….

Serena Williams gave her wisdom to Caitlin Clark as a former young athlete
Clark has dealt with rising criticism over everything from hard fouls against her to how she defends her fellow WNBA players from online vitriol
Williams advised Clark to “just continue to do what she’s doing”
Serena Williams is sharing some advice with WNBA rookie phenom Caitlin Clark.

Williams, 42, was asked about Clark, 22, and what advice she’d share with the basketball star during an appearance on the red carpet last Thursday for the premiere of her upcoming ESPN+ docuseries, In The Arena: Serena Williams.

The 23-time Grand Slam winner said she was “bullied” early on in her career and could empathize with the pressures Clark is facing from critics during her rookie season.

“I was bullied,” Williams told the media at the event, according to ESPN. “Things that I had to go through, people would be canceled for saying now. My position in growing up, as a teenager, I kind of had to be guarded to kind of stay sane. Just [getting] so much press and doing everything I was doing and traveling the globe every year. It was every week. It was a grind.”

Williams added that she thinks it’s a positive move for Clark to remain off social media to avoid getting bogged down in criticism.

“I love that she tries to stay grounded,” Williams said in another portion of the interview shared by the Associated Press. “She says she doesn’t look at her social [media]. I get it. I don’t either. I think it’s so important to just continue to do what she’s doing. No matter what other people do. If people are negative, it’s because they can’t do what you do, basically. Hopefully she’ll continue to do what she’s doing.”
Caitlin Clark Says It’s ‘Disappointing’ Her Name Is Used for Racism, Misogyny Towards Other WNBA Players


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