July 5, 2024

President Joe Biden took aim at the ‘far out’ conservative Supreme Court and blasted Donald Trump while appearing alongside former President Obama at a glitzy fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night as protesters gathered outside.

The president was on the west coast to raise money for his reelection bid alongside Obama at the celebrity-packed event fresh off a trip to the G7 in Italy.

The event raised more than $30 million for the president’s campaign according to a campaign official and was attended by Hollywood royalty including George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand.

Biden called Trump getting to choose two more justices ‘one of the scariest parts’  of the Republican ex-president being elected to a second term and said there has never been a Supreme Court so far out of step.

The president also mentioned Justice Clarence Thomas, noting the conservative member had said the court, which overturned the federal right to abortion in 2022, should reconsider things such as in vitro fertilization fertilization (IVF) and contraception.

Seated alongside Obama at the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles, Biden and Kimmel also cracked some jokes about the president’s predecessor and Republican opponent.

Kimmel pointed out how Biden said he ran to restore the soul of the nation: ‘it looks like we might need an exorcism – is that why you visited the pope?’ referencing Biden’s recent meeting with Pope Francis in Italy.

Biden brought up Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Remember the pandemic? He said just don’t worry just inject a little bleach,’ the president said.

‘It worked for me,’ Kimmel quipped.

‘It worked for [Trump],’ Biden responded. ‘It colored his hair.’

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