July 3, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu filed a defamation lawsuit on Wednesday against two journalists and a political activist for “spreading lies” about his health, according to local media.

Netanyahu’s lawyer Uriel Nazri claimed that journalists Ben Caspit and Ori Misgav and activist Gonen Ben Yitzhak “spread false and malicious information against the prime minister related to making false statements about his health,” the Walla news portal reported.

In his claim to the Magistrates’ Court in the city of Ramla in central Israel, the Israeli premier seeks compensation of up to 500,000 shekels ($135,000).

The defendants “spread false and malicious information against the prime minister,” the lawsuit claimed.

The suit stated that the three claimed that Netanyahu “is sick with pancreatic cancer, is unfit [to serve in his role], and more. Remarks that are lies and falsehoods. The prime minister is a perfectly healthy person for his age.”

*Writing by Rania Abu Sham noala

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