July 3, 2024

Carlos Sainz has apparently dismissed ideas that he is presently not in that frame of mind to join Mercedes for the 2025 F1 season.


In front of the Monaco Great Prix, Sky Sports columnist Craig Slater guaranteed that Mercedes was off the table for Sainz due a distinction in “timetables”.

Mercedes are needing to hold on until basically the mid year break prior to going with a choice on Andrea Kimi Antonelli, while Sainz is anxious to get his future arranged.

Sainz stays top of Audi’s list of things to get however stays confident either Red Bull or Mercedes offer him an arrangement.

Tending to the hypothesis in Monaco on Thursday, Sainz told select media including Crash.net: “Definitely, I think everybody relies upon everybody. Recipe 1 is a circle and I think no doubt, I haven’t decided at this point and I don’t have the foggiest idea where I will race one year from now.

“I haven’t likewise set any cutoff time, yet I can simply let you know such a significant choice in this phase of my profession that I need to have every one of the choices on the table and consider it cautiously in light of the fact that I’m going to turn 30 this year and the following undertaking is a task I need to make work and find out how it functions so I’m turning out to give myself as the need might arise.”

Carlos Sainz Jr (ESP) Ferrari. Recipe 1 Big showdown, Rd 7, Emilia Romagna Great Prix, Imola, Italy, Race Day. –
Carlos Sainz Jr (ESP) Ferrari. Recipe 1 Big showdown, Rd 7, Emilia…
Sainz clarified that he’s not stressed over the time allotment it’s taking will result him passing up other potential ventures like Audi.

“No doubt except for that is the reason in the background I realize more than you all, you have the bits of gossip and everything, I except relax, I won’t neglect anything,” he added.

“I’m about to put every one of the choices on the table and take the best choice, I can simply tell you just once I make my psyche up all that will happen rapidly and everything revolves around assembling all that I feel like I really want on my next new agreement.”

Sainz wouldn’t affirm whether Mercedes is really off the table:

“I can’t affirm it, Please accept my apologies,” he finished up.

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